
I Am Shiba.

Dedicated to momentary thoughts and musings of A Shiba Inu.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Plump Juicy Goodness

in our back yard.

I want the Turkey
Plump Juicy Goodness near me
Damn the door and leash!

Turkeys in Branches
Where I like to Pee and Sniff
They nest in Needles

I want the Turkey
They are a slow Fat Birdie
Plump Juicy Goodness!

Damn the door and leash!

I Am Shiba. Haiku's Are Instinctual.


Anonymous NYEarthling said...

Existential Tanka:

Cortez thinks aloud
"Born to hunt - yet not allowed!
Am I still Shiba?
Answer: Not merely Shiba
I am Cortez Squirrelsbane!"

5:39 AM  
Blogger Mika said...

Just wait for them to open a window and get a running start and burst through the screen door. Oh and leashes can be chewed. I chew on mine when mommy and daddy aren't looking. They find that it magically started fraying.

6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cortez how have you been. We need something new from you. Tell the woman she must write something. Your fans are tap, tap, tapping.

10:25 AM  

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