Dear Sir, After watching the shiba puppy cam for nearly two months and wishing to learn more about the noble shiba inu, I stumbled upon your blog. I have now read the entire fascinating blog from its beginnings to the present and have in the process become your loyal follower. Your blog makes it clear that while all shibas are quite noble, you are an exemplar of your type. Your writing style is, of course, quite lovely and your content most amusing and charming. Your succinct signature closings are marvelous. I congratulate you on your wonderful work among the human children who have the pleasure of your comforting and inspiring presence and look forward to hearing more about your great accomplishments as well as your daily musings and adventures. Please do let me know if you ever make plans to honor my home area (Washington, D.C.) with your noble presence. I wish you and The Woman and That Guy a very happy new year and remain your humble and attentive servant, Mary
I am known as Frontier's John Henry. My name is Cortez Squirrelsbane Shiba-san.
I Am Shiba.
Now Belle-chan is my assistant in all that is Shiba Goodness as the Two Of Us pursue the Ultimate of Shiba Goals which include Cheesy Nachos.
Dear Sir,
After watching the shiba puppy cam for nearly two months and wishing to learn more about the noble shiba inu, I stumbled upon your blog. I have now read the entire fascinating blog from its beginnings to the present and have in the process become your loyal follower. Your blog makes it clear that while all shibas are quite noble, you are an exemplar of your type. Your writing style is, of course, quite lovely and your content most amusing and charming. Your succinct signature closings are marvelous. I congratulate you on your wonderful work among the human children who have the pleasure of your comforting and inspiring presence and look forward to hearing more about your great accomplishments as well as your daily musings and adventures. Please do let me know if you ever make plans to honor my home area (Washington, D.C.) with your noble presence. I wish you and The Woman and That Guy a very happy new year and remain your humble and attentive servant, Mary
Dead or alive?
The squirrel....
The Shiba rolls his eyes at That Guy.
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