
I Am Shiba.

Dedicated to momentary thoughts and musings of A Shiba Inu.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Late Night Crate Meditations

Last night, The Woman and The Guy were discussing a variety of topics relating to all sorts of topics, but one topic kept coming back. It appears that there is a war happening in another country, and the two of them are very vested regarding its outcome.

So I was thinking.

I have my territory. It involves a three block radius around the house. I patrol this regularly as The Woman and I take our daily constitutions. When other dogs challenge my neighborhood authority by leaving their graffiti, I merely cover theirs with my own.

So, I figured out that this war The Guy and The Woman are discussing, is just a pissing contest.

I Am Shiba. I Think Therefore I Shed.


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