
I Am Shiba.

Dedicated to momentary thoughts and musings of A Shiba Inu.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Thank you all!

This year's small fund raiser for the Allan A. Leventhal Memorial Fund went very well. With the sale of calendar's and some personal donations, we donated $65.00 to this fund. As a Shiba whose breed is prone to getting loose for no reason or feels that traffic stops because we are omnipotent, this is an important fund particularly during the holiday season when people spend money and don't plan for emergencies.

Emergencies happen. Especially with Shibas.

I had to be hospitalized for a reaction to a distemper shot.

Belle had to be hospitalized for eating something she should not have.

Vet bills happen, and sometimes, the money is not there to pay for them.

The Woman strongly believes that pets help people (well, maybe not Shibas but you know, ordinary kind of dogs, cats, hamsters, or what have you) get through life with a sense of well-being and purpose. Pet ownership (while a privilege and not a right) should not necessarily be cast away because a beloved companion is in need of an office visit or emergency surgery that can not be afforded. Particularly in today's economy and issues where people are abandoning pets in order to reduce costs, for those struggling to keep their beloved family member healthy, funds like this are angelic.

$65.00 may not sound like much, but it helps with:

6 months of Heartworm and Tick medicine
One office visit for shots
One overnight stay

and the list goes on.

Normally, I would not care what happens to the canine heathens that roam the streets with their primitive owners but 'tis the season to care, and I shall contribute my part.

So, thank you all. A dog who slips out during the night and gets hit by a car, rushed to the vet on Christmas Eve, and their people silently pray for their pet's survival, all thank you.

I Am Shiba. Can I Have My Greenie Now?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very touching, the Shiba. Merry Christmast to you.

7:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Holidays, Shiba & family.

10:28 PM  

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