
I Am Shiba.

Dedicated to momentary thoughts and musings of A Shiba Inu.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Walk for Fidelco, 2010

It is that time of year again where I march among the German Shepherds and other service dogs, raising money for the Northeastern Training Association for Seeing Eye Dogs.

Many of the dogs I work with in Allen's Angels are German Shepherds that are retired or who have not made the program. This weekend, I worked with Cooper, a Fidelco dog who was unable to complete the program due to some problems with some toes that required amputation. He gets around just fine, but in order to avoid the extra stress on his feet, he was adopted out as a pet. This same woman is fostering a half-sister of his, with the intention of her entering the Fidelco training program. And recently, our dog therapy group lost a retired Fidelco dog but the kind people quickly found themselves with another retiree, ready to enjoy a life of leisure and providing happiness to those who are hospitalized and unable to see their own dogs.

The Woman comes from Alaska. She believes very strongly that every dog should have a job. Her huskies all worked, pulling sleds or carrying packs. Belle had a job as a shining example of agility and leading her kennel into the limelight of notoriety. Me? Outside of my intense desire to protect The Woman from all harm, I am one of the few Shibas who travels around town, visiting folks who can't have their own dogs, but want some time petting and enjoying one.

These Fidelco dogs work and they work hard. Two-three years of training and then they help their person for about six to eight years, being their eyes and support as they travel through life and society. And yet, they are still dogs. They enjoy a good bully stick and chasing a ball when they are not working. But like myself, you put that harness on, and it means business.

This year, The Woman and I would like to break our record of donations. We almost made $500 last year, and as a single walking team, this is impressive. This year, I would like to make that mark. And while The Woman tells me I am delusional in believing that we can do this, every dollar does help. All the money goes to the dogs, the fostering of pups, the training, the vet bills, and the eventual retirement. It is one of the few associations that as humane Animal Treatment is, I can stand proudly as my ancient breed, and say, "this is good."

Our Donation Page

Even if you can only donate a dollar or even if you can only post and spread the word, all your help is appreciated. And I will be there, as I have for the last three years since I became a therapy dog, walking with the rest of the working dogs, proving that Shibas are just as good as every other breed.

I Am Shiba. I Make This Look Good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you noble Cortez!

You are not alone in your efforts to improve the world one Shiba at a time.

Here is the story of Emmie, a black and tan Shiba, who will also walk to help military families.

Keep putting those little Shiba paws down!

Sukoshi and Sukoshi's Mom

8:18 PM  

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