
I Am Shiba.

Dedicated to momentary thoughts and musings of A Shiba Inu.

Monday, July 09, 2007

My Park is Contaminated

This is highly irregular and very upsetting. My own little wildlife park, my little community space, has been contaminated by West Nile Virus.


No walks in the morning or early evenings when the wildlife is out.
Possibilities of contaminating The Woman or The Guy if they take me.

No evening cocktail hours because The Guy is susceptible to mosquito bites (for some reason, they really love him).

And, of course, this does explain the recent rash of dead birds that I have been finding all over the neighborhood.

This will just not do. I demand that something be done about this immediately but it sounds like I am just going to have to wait until like September.


I Am Shiba. A Depressed Shiba is Not a Happy Shiba.


Blogger Diane of the dogs said...

Poor you all. That is sad and horrible. Cold days might be ok if we ever have anymore

I am very sorry. I wish I could re find the website I originally read on West Nile in the US, your human Mom would find it facinating in a horrible way

11:13 AM  

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