
I Am Shiba.

Dedicated to momentary thoughts and musings of A Shiba Inu.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Recovery Time Has Started

My surgery went well. I am now home and resting comfortably.

I have an incision on my leg that is about one inch long, and am seriously considering removing the stitches when The Woman is not looking. I really don't want to go back to the vet's office again.

To aid in my recover (and distract me from my stitches), The Woman bought me one of those really cool smoked tendons that I love to chew on. This time, I finished it in one day. It was that good.

It is difficult to pee. I can not raise the one leg, nor can I balance on it. So, I have to embarrass myself by stretching. I hope that no one was watching during my evening constitution.

In ten days, I have my stitches out, and I should be ready to hit the streets once more. Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes; soon, the world will be once more blessed with my presence.

I Am Shiba. I Opted Out of Botox this Time.


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