
I Am Shiba.

Dedicated to momentary thoughts and musings of A Shiba Inu.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Day 4: New Hampshire: The Chipmunk State

The Woman and I finish our last morning sunrise beach walk. This time, no dogs challenged my right to claim the beach as part of My Reign. I am now the King Complete of the Northeast. There were no waves today, proving my theory that eating the sea foam solved the problem of The Angry Water. The Woman was thrilled because she saw several new birds for her life list, and together we watched the seagulls hunt crabs and shells. It was a good morning for watching birds, and relishing in my triumph of conquering nature and loose dogs.

So today we venture west to see the Mountains of New Hampshire. We stop along the road so I can continue to check out water, rocks, and look for more chipmunks.

It's really not as bad as I think it looks.

And rest stops were frequent.

So we arrive at our new hotel. I am exhausted (although I will not admit it). And while I normally do not sleep on the bed, this time, exceptions were made. I desired a comfortable sleep and so we guys rested in luxury while The Woman quietly read into the night.

I Am Shiba. Tonight, I Sleep.


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