
I Am Shiba.

Dedicated to momentary thoughts and musings of A Shiba Inu.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Day 5: We Visit Frontier

So we drive through the mountains, see lots of leaves, smell a few chipmunk holes, and eventually wandered down to My Kennel Beginnings.

This is Mom Woman who brought me into this World.

While All The People go inside to talk, I am given the freedom of playing in the dog pen. As I am now King Complete of the North East, I make sure that everyone knows that I was here:

While Mom Woman is very involved with Rottweilers, she (like most everyone else) succombed to all that which is Shiba. However, Rottweilers remain her passion:

I Am Shiba. Shiba > Rottweilers.


Blogger Diane of the dogs said...

There's my boy! Bill was several days redoing his boundary markings after Cortez messed them up LOL
The pups had great fun showing you how they play with their dad (ok hero worship him)

1:43 PM  

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