
I Am Shiba.

Dedicated to momentary thoughts and musings of A Shiba Inu.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Foxes on Fire

I Am Shiba. I Can Has A Cheezburger Too.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Finished Dining Room

It took longer than expected like most projects, but The Woman and That Guy finally finished the last few parts of completing the dining room. The last addition was new light fixtures and some touch-up paint (as seen below) but otherwise, the project of the summer is now done.

And before Labor Day!

This is the room overall. They got a thing for old rock and roll, and Magic the Gathering. Their issue, not mine.

My issue has been, and always will be, the location of my crate. My abode. My private space. It has been returned to its proper spot.

Okay, so this morning The Woman and I went to the Farmer's Market (in the rain, I might add) and got some fresh vegetables. Here is a picture of That Guy actually working in the kitchen, making a green bean salad. I don't really like green bean salad but the Farmer's Market does not sell steaks or burgers so I guess I will have to wait for the barbecue tomorrow.

I Am Shiba. My Bed Is Now Where It Should Be.

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Places I Go

My agenda of the last seven days:

1. The Bank (they love me here!)

2. Lowe's Customer Service (bad light fixture investment)

3. Squirrel Park (and I almost got one too!)

4. The Nature Center (I was so happy to be there we had to do the trail twice!)

5. The Grocery Store (I just patrol outside and mark the shrubberies- I can't go inside and visit the butcher alas)

6. The Liquor Store (they love me here too!)

7. The Farmer's Market (if I don't make an appearance, they miss me)

8. The Vet (Got my teeth cleaned)

9. The Pet Store for cat food (of all things)

10. My normal constitutionals (X2 as needed)

11. The drive through of Walgreen's X 2 (The Woman just can't get it right the first time)

12. The Hungry Tiger (for burgers!)

13. And finally, I worked as a Therapist, and had a very good time traveling around in the car on a Saturday morning, being taken places so that I could be adored. It was a very nice day for a car ride into the country.

I Am Shiba. Life Is Not Stagnant.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rottweiler vs. Shiba

Make no mistake. We are Superior.

I Am Shiba. We Are The Canine God. Submit and Serve.

(The Woman speaks: Actually, this photo is from Frontier Kennels, taken by Diane Richardson, owner of the Rottweiler Annie and breeder of Bella (and Cortez). The two of them are great friends and this is merely a play session).

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fox vs. Shiba

The other day, That Guy was able to photograph a visitor.

This young lad has been seen in my backyard rather frequently of late and while That Guy has been trying to get a good clear picture, most show a fleeting red blur.

However, the other night, The Woman noticed the back light turn on and looked out the window, and there were TWO of these youngsters in the backyard. Sniffing. Moving about. And following about the same path that That Guy has noticed a solitary taking. Moving up the stairs into the backyard. Crossing the yard. Then heading to the back woods.

When I go into the back yard, I can tell that they were there. And they appear to cross my yard about twice a day- once at night, and once in early morning. Their scent is fresh whenever I go out.

Now. Take a moment to look at the picture above. Then look at the picture below.

Which looks more like a Fox?

I Am Shiba. I Am A Better Looking Fox Than A Fox.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Last night

The weather has been perfect for The Woman as of late. With no skin issues and the temperatures cooler and less humid, she has been enjoying sleeping with windows and doors open (with the screen doors locked, of course).

This means that I am on guard duty from when the stars come out until the sun rises.

Last night, a disturbance happened across the street. It was around 2 A.M. and "the boys" came home in large number, talking and roughhousing as they walked toward their house.

Well, I could not allow this. The Woman was asleep on the couch, quietly slumbering in the coolness of the evening, and *she*must*not*be* disturbed!

I immediately started to yell at the young lads. "Silence! I kill you!" "Respect My Authority!" "You Will Awaken The Woman And This Can Not Be Allowed!"

And true to my prediction, She got up and closed the front door because Those Neighbors were so inconsiderately loud as to awaken Her.

At least I did my job in telling them "what is what" when I am on patrol in my house!

I Am Shiba. I Will Not Be Ignored!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Unhappy Shiba

In the four years that I have lived in this house, my personal space has always remained in the same spot. The only change that happens is when The Woman periodically washes my blankets.

However, a decision was made (without consulting me) that the Dining Room would be painted.

This meant moving my Spot of Zen to another location until said job is complete.

I Am Shiba. I Hate Change.

Monday, August 04, 2008

My Latest Assginment

The Woman decided to try to grow pumpkins this year, and as you can see, the vines are spreading rather nicely. The problem, however, is those furry rodents that live in the backyard: the shrews, the chipmunks, and The Squirrels.

Without peeing on the vines, I have been given the task of protecting the pumpkins from said animals above. This is not easy as I prefer to spend most of my time indoors, in the coolness of the house rather than sweating outside while standing guard over some greenery but every morning and night, I accompany her outside as she checks her "precious," and I make sure that nothing attacks while we are standing there.

I Am Shiba. Tutamen de Rodentia.