
I Am Shiba.

Dedicated to momentary thoughts and musings of A Shiba Inu.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

The Difficulty of Living A Shiba's Life

I Am Shiba. I Am Too Sexy For The Sun.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

And How Was Your Thanksgiving?

The People chose to Torture Me.

I Am Shiba. I Exemplify Patience.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Occupy Apex

We have made it clear that We own this apartment complex. There are no greater canines than myself and Belle-chan.

Belle-chan announces her arrival as soon as she walks outside the door. I merely mark everywhere that I can, informing all others that that this is made tree, my post, my grass, and that grass over there is mine too.

Belle-chan is our formal announcer to all dogs that not only are we to be respected, but to clear the path so that we may progress as the Emperors that we are. We are the 1%, and we Never Let Any One forget that.

We have secured our authority in the apartment complex.

Next stop, Apex itself.

It is our destiny to be Conquerers.

I Am Shiba. North Carolina Will Be Renamed North Shibalina.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Belle-chan: Then and Now

Belle-chan has always been known for her beautifully foxy round face. This gives her that distinction of being known as "cute" rather than "distinguished," or "intelligent-looking." She does have that classic fox-like Shiba face while I have more of a "coyote" look.

However, this is Belle-chan today. She has no extra fur anywhere on her body- no undercoat what-so-ever. From September until yesterday, she shed nonstop until she lost every bit of undercoat anywhere on her body.

And now she looks like this malnurished skinny stray dog that We found somewhere.

It truly is sad. I am used to associating myself with the Beauty of the Breed and it appears now that Beauty has become more like a Beast. And a scraggly one at that.

I, of course, am allowing my undercoat to return as cooler breezes blow, but it appears that Belle is striving for that skinny Southern Belle style of the 1800's when dogs starved during the Civil War. She looks more ready for a Hoe-Down than a Grand Party like from Gone With The Wind.

Belle-chan just looks so very un-Shiba-like.

Truly the South is not the place to be a Shiba.

I Am Shiba. My Coat Is Fine, Thank You Very Much.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

We Are Officially Southern

We are now official residents of North Carolina

Shiba Inu was taken.

Shiba was taken.

So We settled on . . .

Everyone said, hey, you should have Shiba-2 cause you have two shibas but The Women pointed out that sometimes there may be two, sometimes three but there will always be one.

Today when The People left Whole Foods, The Woman saw a bumper sticker that said, "I love my Shiba Inu." She tried to jump out of the car to stop the person but That Guy would not let her- he has problems with her leaping out into traffic to stop people to talk to them about Shibas.
Some People just don't understand.

I Am Shiba. We Will Always Be Number 1!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Things Have Been Happening!

For one, I have a new Vet. Harmony Hopsital.

And my picture made their book!

Can you find me? (It's like playing Where's Waldo?)

'Course Belle-chan had to steal the show by being there with me, but at least my notoriety continues.

The Shiba is now officially a resident of North Carolina!

I Am Shiba. Belle-chan Has Lost All Her Undercoat and Does Not Look That Cute Anymore.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


I Am Shiba. Nom Nom Nom.

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Been Awhile

and so much has happened. But we Shibas are fine, all is well in the state of North Carolina, and if things go well, we might even go to the beach on Sunday!

The Woman had to do a ten day trip to Connecticut which was supposed to be a three day then became a six day which then became a ten day because of a broken down car (yes, the Shiba mobile broke down!), a nasty court case, and helping That Other Guy and The Child. Although consideration of my attendence was considered for this trip, given the circumstances, it is best that I stayed home. I was not happy without My Person to follow around but I coped better than I would have standing on a highway for several hours and riding in a tow truck.

Plus, someone has to keep Belle-chan inline. She gets very rowdy when I am not around to tell her how to behave.

She definitely spends considerable time and effort telling everyone in the apartment association who is Boss and that they are not. She is exceptionally good at barking at anything out of the ordinary, which includes but is not limited to, a person walking to their car, a car that is parked somewhere she thinks that it should not, and any sign of movement in the grass that could be a toad, lizard, or blowing leaf. Keeping the masses alert to environmental differences is her number one sport.

The Apartment is now Shiba territory. Belle-chan and I both have our favorite spots. The Woman has her work station now available; That Guy has his stuff all in place. We have determined what spots are appropriate for our constitutionals and we enjoy at least two, if not three walks around the neighborhood. There is even a back patio that sometimes The Woman sits out on in themornings or evenings while making phone calls where Belle-chan and I watch birds and sniff for lizards.

And the two local feral kittens that live around us somewhere.

I am saddened to report to my readers that my Health, however, is not improving. I am having issues with my feet and thyroid, and I can no longer chase a ball like I used to be able to do just a few years ago. The Woman soothed me when I chased it once, twice and then stopped because I was just too tired and my feet and legs were hurting. No longer do my hind legs prance like they used to; but I still get around well on short walks and the house with all the carpeting makes me feel good.

I also got a case of North Carolina fleas, much to my embarrassment. I have never felt so unhygenic before! (Belle-chan had no fleas but was still treated. The Woman says that nothing can penetrate her thick coat).

But I still feel like the King that I am and in the mornings, after I am well rested, I enjoy a good run up the stairs to perform a play pose to That Guy and The Woman at exactly 7 a.m. and then run down the stairs very fast because, well, breakfast should always be served on time.

I Am Shiba. I Am Still The Immortal One.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The 47 Second Stay

I was not aware that we were suppose to start and end the video. I have better things to do with my time than be a movie star.

I Am Shiba. I Needed To Check My Food Bowl.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Blowin' In The Wind

It has been decided that since Belle-chan is in the process of blowing her coat, that during this weekend's Hurricane, The People are simply going to walk outside and hold her up in the wind until the loose fur is all gone.

Kind of like Nature's version of a good Dyson Vaccum.

I Am Shiba. I Am Not Going To Pee All Weekend.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Allow Me To Show You Around The New House

I Am Shiba. I Am Ready To Start When You Are.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

No Matter Where You Are

There are always children who need to be adored.

I Am Shiba. You Have No Idea How Long It Took The Woman To Get Us Like This To Get This Picture.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

North Carolina and Belle-chan

Since the question has been asked, Belle-chan has arrived to North Carolina in a style that can only be considered as her own. Belle-chan came down to The New House about a week before me, and quickly made it clear that the Shibas are arriving.

Our household has already been reported to the leasing office as two friendly Labradors approached for a meet and greet, and she immediately put them in their place. She frequently tells off the Rottweiler that we see walking in the late evening. There are too many doors in the hallway and she can't figure out which one is the front door (which I add, I have already accomplished). She is very aware of the kitchen layout, and seldom misses any dropped food. As a result, The Child who is staying with us is usually followed by a Shiba wagging its tail.

Very uncouth behavior, in my humble opinion.

Her biggest issue is that she has yet to blow her coat but she has started. The warmer temperatures obviously took her by surprise so now she is dropping fur left and right. Belle-chan obviously did not research the environment and temperatures prior to her move, unlike myself who shed my coat before arriving.

I have a feeling it won't be coming back any time soon.

I am not sure North Carolina was ready for Belle-chan but Belle-chan is certainly ready to take on North Carolina.

I Am Shiba. We Arrive In Numbers.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Je suis arrivé

I am now in Raleigh. There are many stories to tell of my travels between here and there, but at least I can now begin to discover what it means to be a "southern gentleman."

I Am Shiba. Thank God I Already Blew My Coat.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

You Are Packing My Toys!

Did I give permission for this?

This amuses me not. You are touching my things!

I don't want them in that box. No, I am pulling this toy out. I want it to ride in the car with me.

Give it back to me!

Hey! Don't push me toward my crate! No, this is wrong! I must protest!

You won't get away with this. As soon as you let me out of there, I am going to pee on the box that has my toys in it so that everyone knows that it is MINE!

I Am Shiba. Gonna Mark That Box Too, Because It Should Be Mine

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Busy Times For Busy Dogs

We have been busy.

The Woman and That Guy boarded us in a kennel for a week (a week can you believe??!!) as they looked around Raleigh to see what was available for two Shibas. They claim they found an awesome townhouse that all of us will be able to share. But still, a week in the kennel- I decided to blow my coat during that week- and now I look very very slim. The Woman says she is embarrassed to take me out.

July 4th, we Shibas joined that other household to play with kids, enjoy barbecue and enjoy the outdoors. It was a good time had by all. There was one child who was very different, very easily scared by any change so I took it upon myself to make sure he was always guarded. Okay, so I did not know that the person who came to pick him up was his mother but I was doing my job. Everyone present was impressed with the Shiba mellowness and acceptance of chaos (although I suspect that Belle-chan was just waiting for the door to be left open for a few minutes).

Lately, The People have been dealing with movers, real estate agents, and taking stuffs out of the house. Some things are definitely staying though, and it appears that we are going to be taking a road trip as we will all pile ourselves into a van and enjoy the trip down to Raleigh. This is apparently going to happen sometime soon so while we are a tad excited about seeing new places, we just want to make sure our stuff makes it down as well.

Just because we are not playing with that toy right now, doesn't mean we won't want to play with it later.

So while we are actively supervising the move, it is exhausting work to make sure that everyone is doing everything correctly.

I Am Shiba. Sometimes It Is Hard To Make Sure That Everything Is Perfect.

Monday, June 20, 2011

We Just Make Everything That Much Better

The Woman has decided that when we move, she will probably return back to driving a pick-up truck or get a Jeep. She says that she misses having a pick-up truck, but thinks that Jeeps just look cool.

This was cemented into her mind this weekend, when she saw an older black Jeep, with this cover off, and next to the Man that was driving, was a Shiba.

A very happy Shiba.

I Am Shiba. We make The Good Life look Even Better.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

What Do Shibas Really Do?

We make small children very happy, even if they are not holding cheese.

I Am Shiba. I Am On A Mission From God.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

The Joy, The Calling, The Love of a Service Dog

A Picture is worth 1000 words, and this one leaves me speechless.

(Picture from Jean-Claude Van Damme's website (he rescues dogs from 3rd world countries and runs a rehabilitation center in Brussels).

I Am Shiba. I Get This.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Belle-chan, The Armchair Watch Dog

So these guys are coming over to the house and fixing things. This is good, The Woman says, because this will make the house look better, even though Belle and I work hard at spreading all our fur around so the place has that "lived in" look to it.

Apparently, the lived in look is not what The Selling Woman wants us to have. So we have been instructed that we can not shed anymore.

Yeah, right, watch this shake!

There is this really cool guy, The Carpenter, who comes over and he takes away doors and adds new ones. This is nice because he has big boots that make a lot of noise, and by taking away doors, I get access to stuff that I did not have access to previously. I am very good at pulling things off shelves and making nice nests; last night, I discovered where all the towels and dish towels were and slept well until discovered.

So as he walks back and forth working, I like to follow him so that I can see what new thing he is doing next. Belle-chan, on the other hand, opts to sit comfortably in her chair and pretend like nothing is happening except for the moment that he walks by her chair- she will sit up and bark once.

Not a loud bark or an aggressive bark. More like a bark of "my serenity is being disturbed!" and then she immediately lays back down and resumes whatever thoughts her little fluffy head can hold on to at that moment. And this act repeats itself about every five minutes- she sits up, barks, and then resumes her previous posture of relaxation.

Belle-chan really wasn't even watching The Carpenter. She would just merely look up every now and then, and express her displeasure over his disturbance of her cosmic forces. But it was never more than one bark every five minutes; it was almost like she forgot that he was there half the time and then suddenly woke up and said, "omg, I have to like do something so it looks like I am busy!"

Bell-chan, the Armchair watch dog. Use only the required amount of energy necessary for any given situation.

I Am Shiba. I Follow What I Am Watching.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Well, It's Official

The People are going to be packing everything up and moving me and Belle-chan down to North Carolina sometime this summer.

That Guy was able to get a new position in a new company so The Woman is going to stay behind and straighten out all their "affairs" which gives me and Belle-chan time to finally beat up on the Labrador retriever around the corner and show him that we *are* the rulers of this 'hood!

Then, after this really cool place we have lived sells, we are going to hop into a rental car, and take a trip down south to join that guy and live in this new place that supposedly does not have so much snow that it inconveniences my ability to eliminate for three seasons out of the year. Apparently there will be a terrace that we can bark and snub people from way up high, just like a shiba should.

I have also been told that I will most likely be retired as a therapy dog at the end of June. The Women thinks that I get too tired too fast trying to make everyone around me happy, and as a result, my legs end up hurting more. My face is recovering nicely, but my legs just aren't as young as they used to be. This bothers me because I can not participate in play activities that I love and with my new medication, I am energized and ready to go! but then I start to shake and everyone says, Time Out.

The medicine makes me feel better but my body is still two steps behind. Definitely frustrating. I feel like that guy on the tv show, House.

It is so unfair that this happens to me. I want to play and have fun. And now, I have to walk like an old man and act all old. Just have Belle-chan steal my greenie, and trust me, I don't act old at all!

So the next few months there will be many changes. First, that Guy is gonna leave which means that Belle-chan and I can sleep in the bedroom. Second, I am going to retire from my job, and The Woman is going to leave all her jobs. And then, we are going to travel south to join that Guy. Sounds confusing. Sounds chaotic. Sounds like we might be able to slip out the door and finally get that one damn chipmunk that we never were able to chase down.

He is still here.

We have seen him.

But in the meantime, the Woman says that there is way too much to do and That Guy is getting ready to packed out and head south.

As long as my kibble is delivered on time and I get a treat every time I pee in the backyard, everything else is just easy times.

But beware, Raleigh. We are on our way to take over a new land even if there are other shibas who think that they own that place.

We rule supreme.

I Am Shiba. I Am The Genghis Khan.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Spoonful of Sugar

not only doesn't help the medicine go down, but it also convinces me that it is time to run away really fast because I know that a pill is incoming.

I must say, though, that there is a notable change since I started taking the hypothyroidism medicine.

First, it appears that I have energy again. I am interested in many more things in my environment than just hanging out in my crate.

Second, I seemed to be losing weight so the people are going to increase my kibble for a little while! (woohoo, Belle-chan is jealous!)

Third the fur falling out on my face seems to be growing back so I no longer look like Heath Ledger playing the Joker. Although he was an Academy Award winning star, I don't think that The People were commenting on my acting skills. Although I am an excellent actor; I know exactly when to play the role of "I have no clue what you are talking about" particularly when that pill bottle appears.

It turns out that I had another ear infection also. The Woman tried to clean out my ears but it didn't help. I think my future will be more pills and ear drops. But, at least no one can claim that giving me my medicine is a boring process! I make it a two person event- a time for The Woman and That Guy to lovingly come together and join forces to see if they can outwit a 25 pound dog with the agility of a ninja!

I Am Shiba. I Like To Add A Little Excitement to Everyone's Day.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Shiba In Tolland Pound!

The Woman nor I do not recognize this Shiba even though it was found very close to our home. She is well mannered and demonstrates many normal Shiba characteristics so it is apparent that she has been socialized and has been trained and housebroken.

It appears that she had been running wild for several days, before Animal Control was able to bring her into a safe place but she needs a new home. If you are interested, her adoption fee is $50 which included a voucher for Spay & shots. For more information, call Tolland Animal Control @ 860-871-3676. If you know who she is or who she belongs to, please also call.

I Am Shiba. A Lost Shiba Is An Unhappy Shiba.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Return of The Puppy Cam

Litter #3 is now alive and in full view.

Puppy Webcam

I Am Shiba. The Puppies Are Back!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


This is Katan. He is our area's most recent Shiba Inu addition, a nice red sesame who is enjoying his transition from a rural dog to an urban go getter.

He is a 4 year old male from
Sundog Shibas. The People went to New Hampshire last weekend to help move him to a new family here. He is the first Shiba to ride in "the New Car," which did not impress me. He also took a ride in My Car, which also did not impress me.

Of course, just because there are four people admiring you, doesn't mean that you should be paying attention to them. Instead, there are always more interesting things to see outdoors.

Katan moved into his new house in about the same way that Belle moved into mine. He immediately took over a couch, identified several sleeping spots, and grabbed his own squeeky toy that he carries with him everywhere. He will be living comfortably as an only dog, well adored by a family that has been wanting a Shiba for some time.
Of course, The Woman did the full questionnaire regarding their sanity since they wanted a Shiba but they passed with flying colors. They knew what they were getting into, and Katan immediately started to use his "cuteness" factor to achieve his status of worship.

Bored after too many pictures. These pictures were taken 5 days after Katan had arrived and started to settle into his new environment. There was no dog fur visible. Katan and I have walked together without difficulty, marking a few shrubberies along the way but otherwise, just enjoying the scenery.
Katan had a quiet life up in Northern New Hampshire but it was time for him to become a pet. When The Woman heard that this family was seeking a Shiba, she knew that Katan would be the dog for them and while it took some time because of weather and planning to bring Katan here to my home town, he is now enjoying the status of a pampered pet. As every Shiba Inu should.

A boy and his Shiba.

I Am Shiba. As Long As He Knows I Am 1st In Command In This Town, All Is Well.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

I Don't Want My Picture Taken

I am guessing that this is why The Woman has me on L-Thyroxin Sodium .2 mg X 2 per day which does not amuse me in the least and sometimes she even gives me a Benadryl to stop me from scratching at my face because she does not want me to have the cone of Shame.

I am not amused.

I hate taking pills.

I hate feeling itchy.

I hate that stupid chipmunk who keeps escaping from me.

I don't feel sick. I am not acting sick but everyone seems to think that I am.

Pfooey to all of you.

I am fine.

Now, leave me alone while I go sulk in my crate.

I Am Shiba. I Don't Feel Handsome Right Now.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Well, The Blood Tests Are Back

and I have Hypothyroidism to add to my list of ailments.

This means pills.

But it also means cheese.

I Am Shiba. Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining.

(note: an edit on the disease- The Woman wrote it backwards).

Friday, March 25, 2011

Shiba Rescue in Japan

After careful consideration of examining a number of websites and their statistics of money vs. aid, etc., I recommended that The Woman donate to the following:

The Animal Miracle Foundation

Several follow-ups have proven that they are indeed working hard in the areas of devastation, as well as helping reunited families and dogs, as well as help with the evacuation of dogs and the removal of those who did not survive.

They were an instrumental force in Hurricane Katrina and they are once more proving their dedication to the health and welfare of both pets and pet owners once more.

If you feel uncomfortable donating to them, then I recommend donating to the Humane Society International as they are not bound by one country.

Overall, remember that supplies are needed as well as money. Please note on the Animal Miracle Foundation's website the types of supplies that they will benefit from. This includes large garbage bags, something that none of us really wants to think about.

I Am Shiba. The Woods Of Our Ancestors Are No More.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The First of Several Posts about Animal Rescue In Japan

Both dogs were rescued and are in treatment.

I Am Shiba. Loyalty Is Loyalty.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I can now pee in the back yard without interference from snow. No longer to I have to blaze a trail to get to my favorite shrubbery. In fact, I can even find my favorite shrubbery now!

The weather is warm enough and the roads safe enough that we can ride once more in the car. The Woman even had it cleaned up just for us to mess up once again! During the past week, we have traveled to:

The Bank
The Park
The Regular Shopping Route
The Place Where The Woman Gets Paid
One of the Places That The Woman Works
One of the Places Where The Woman Used to Work
The Liquor Store (several times)
Our Local Pub (NACHOS!)

and overall be able to get out and about. It just feels good to feel the dirt under my paws and be able to find all my favorite pee spots once more, and know that life is good.

I Am Shiba. Life Is Good.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Plump Juicy Goodness

in our back yard.

I want the Turkey
Plump Juicy Goodness near me
Damn the door and leash!

Turkeys in Branches
Where I like to Pee and Sniff
They nest in Needles

I want the Turkey
They are a slow Fat Birdie
Plump Juicy Goodness!

Damn the door and leash!

I Am Shiba. Haiku's Are Instinctual.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Shibas on LoLDawgs

The path to the Dark side of the Force starts at an early age.

And we know that this *has* to be photoshopped.

I Am Shiba. It's Good When We Are Noticed.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

There Are Issues

Where am I suppose to pee?

I Am Shiba. This Is Starting to Get Difficult.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Awesomest Present

The Woman's Mumther (or my Grandmumther) sent me the most awesomest toy for Christmas that finally arrived today (with all the snow and ice, mail delivery has been weird- or at least, I haven't been able to bark at our mailperson every day). This is an unstuffed squeaky toy and I like it so much that I sleep with it in my crate and carry it around the house with me. I definitely *do* *not* *like* when That Guy tries to take it away and play with it so I always take it back and put it in my sanctuary so that he can not touch it.

I Am Shiba. This New Toy Is Better Than A Bully Stick 'Cause Belle Doesn't Try To Steal It.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

And The Snow Continues

I Am Shiba of the Great Frontier. We Blaze Our Own Trails to Pee!

Dude, Where's My Car?

I Am Shiba. And Just Where Am I Supposed To Pee Now?

Monday, January 10, 2011

And The Good News Of This Monday?

We get to watch the SuperBowl at our House this year!

I Am Shiba. Go SeaHawks!

Saturday, January 08, 2011

I Am Okay!

It's just that The Woman has been very very busy and unable to keep up with all the correspondence that she has had to get out of the way. She promised me that this weekend that she would let everyone know that I was okay (for a Shiba) and surviving (although not enough treats) and still putting up with Belle (she is such a Barbie dog, it kills me!)

I am still doing dog therapy.
I am the master of my own backyard now!
Unfortunately, I sometimes fall down stairs so I am a single level dog now.
Otherwise, all is good.

Just The Woman is too damn busy!

I Am Shiba. Worry Not My Adoring Masses.